Anacapa News

Milestone: 200,000 Safe Hours Worked
Anacapa celebrates a major milestone: 200,000+ safe work hours, reflecting our commitment to top-tier safety standards in every project and field activity.

CEQA Insights with Carolina Wilshere
Join Carolina Wilshere at the San Joaquin Valley SPE luncheon to explore CEQA’s role in California projects. January 23, 2025, at Berry Annex Suite, Bakersfield.

Distinguished Donut Day for Carolina Wilshere
Congratulations to Carolina Wilshere, who recently passed her Chemical PE Exam and is on her way to be a California Licensed Chemical Engineer.

Celebrating Our Team: 2024 Employee Appreciation Dinner
Last week, we honored the dedication and hard work of our incredible staff at the 2024 Employee Appreciation Dinner. Thank you for your commitment to engineering excellence!

Anacapa: Your Trusted Safety-First Partner for Mining Success
Anacapa is dedicated to a safety-first culture, with MSHA-trained staff and Avetta certification, ensuring reliable, safety-focused support for mining projects.

Distinguished Donut Day for Scott Onsum
Anacapa’s Vice President, Stuart M. Heisler, PE, has a long-standing tradition of bringing donuts to the office when an engineer passes their PE Exam.

🎃 Trick or Treat? 🎃
Anacapa’s Mechanical and Process engineering teams dressed up as our Lead Mechanical Engineer

Anacapa Sponsors the 18th Annual Kern County Energy Summit
Anacapa is a proud sponsor of the 18th Annual Kern County Energy Summit. We believe in an ‘all of the above approach’ to provide sustainable and reliable energy.

Ramon Sanchez, PE, SE, at Monterey Design Conference
Meet Anacapa’s Chief Structural Engineer, Ramon Sanchez, PE, SE, at the Monterey Design Conference this weekend

Team Building 2024
Our team had the opportunity to unwind and have some fun at Anacapa’s team building event over the weekend.

Back to School 2024
Our office was buzzing this morning as team members shared their kiddo’s Back-to-School experiences.

Welcome Callie McCaffery to our Team
Anacapa Engineering and Design, Inc. is pleased to announce that Callie McCaffery has joined our team.

Welcome Ronn Pullantes to the Team
Anacapa Engineering and Design, Inc. is pleased to announce that Ronn Pullantes has joined our team.

Anacapa staff supporting the 2024 OCDI Food Drive
Anacapa staff supporting the 2024 OCDI food drive kickoff benefitting the Golden Empire Gleaners.

Welcome Coutney McKee, PE
Anacapa Engineering and Design, Inc. is pleased to announce that Courtney McKee, PE has joined our team.

Welcome Riley Garcia to Our Team
Anacapa is pleased to welcome our newest colleague, Riley Garcia.

Anacapa supporting API Bakersfield SJV Chapter
Anacapa enjoyed a fun day supporting API Bakersfield SJV Chapter's annual golf tournament.

Anacapa Proudly Sponsors the Carbon Management and Energy Innovation Symposium
Anacapa is a proud sponsor of the Carbon Management and Energy Innovation Technical Symposium.

Celebrating Julian Arellano’s Achievement as a Newly Licensed Professional Engineer
Congratulations to Julian Arellano for becoming a Professional Engineer (PE).

Anacapa Team Explores Historic Rio Tinto Borax Mine
Anacapa team members had an excellent time touring Rio Tinto’s borax mine today. This site has been mining borates since 1927!.